Browsing by Author 3. Binshoy M S (B.Sc. Mathematics), as Sutradharan, Duryodhanan and bhadan 3.
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Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2021-03-10 | Urubhangam- Sanskrit Audio Book | Dr. Vinitha E, HOD, Department of Sanskrit; 1. Arya P D (B.Sc. Chemistry), as Gandhari and wife of Duryodana.; 2. Davadathan A S (B.Sc. Mathematics), as Baladevan, Durjayan, Paryaparshukan and bhadan 1.; 3. Binshoy M S (B.Sc. Mathematics), as Sutradharan, Duryodhanan and bhadan 3.; 4. Roshkrishna V (B.Sc. Mathematics), as Aswthama, Dridharashtrar and bhadan 2. |