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Showing results 51 to 70 of 716 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2024-03-09C.A.S.A Alumni Meet 2024Mr. Linto George
2020-08-22Career Choices and planning During recessionMr Diju Jose, Centre Director,TIME
2021-03-05CERTIFICATE OF SPORTS & ARTS STUDENTSDr. Robinson P, IQAC Coordinator
2020-10-05Challenges in Biodiversity ConservationDr Joshi C O, Dr P S Easa
2020-10-05Challenges in Biodiversity ConservationDr. Tessy Paul P; Dr. P. S. Easa
2020-08-21Chengannoorathiyum Kuttanadinte Paattu SamskaravumDr. C V Sudheer; Dr. A K Appukuttan
2022-02-15Cherukadha PrasthanamRobinson; Anagha P S, B A Malayalam
2019-02-05Christ Convocation 2019Dr. Mathew Paul Ukken, Principal; Prof. Dr Rajan Gurukkal P M, Vice Chairman, KSHEC; Rev. Fr. Walter Thelappilly CMI, Provincial, Devamatha Province
2019-12-07Christ Convocation 2019Dr. Mathew Paul Ukken, Principal; Dr. Xoiiswa Mtose, Vice Chancellor, University of Zululand Durban, South Africa; V. Rev. Fr. Dr. Paul Achandy CMI, Prior General, CMI Congregation; Dr. Nokuthula Winfred Kunene, Dean of Science & Agriculture University of zululand, Durban,South Africa
2020-01-06Clean Campus- National training program on Sensitizing Stake holders for responsible institutional waste managementDr. Subin K jose; Dr. Manju N J; Dr. Deepesh V; Mr. Nithin K; Dr. Rekha V B; Smt. Poornima B M; Dr. Bijoy C
2021-05-24Club ReportsDr. Robinson P, IQAC Coordinator; Tharun R, NSS Coordinator; Jincy S R, Art Cafe Coordinator; Franco T Francis, NCC Coordinator; Anusha, SPIC MACAY Coordinator; Muvish Murali, Thavanish Coordinator; Deepak Menon, Readers Club Coordinator; Shinto V P, Cycling Club Coordinator
2020-12-15CMA: Course awareness and job prospects of Cost and Management AccountancyCMA Anoop NG, ICAI
2017-09-26Cognitive Behaviour TherapyDr Emarson V P
2021-07-13College Admission ProspectusDr. Robinson P, IQAC Coordinator
2021-03-13College Alumni Get-together 2021Fr. Dr. Jolly Andrews, Principal; Sri Jaison Parekkadan, Vice President OSA; Sri P A Jose, Joint Secretary; Sudheer Sebastian, Secretary
2018-03-08College Alumni Gettogether 2018Dr. Mathew Paul Ukken, Principal; Dr. Jolly Andrews, Vice Principal
2021-08-08College Annual ReportsCollege Annual Reports, College Annual Reports
2020-06-01College Common Time table 2020-21Dr. Shinto K G
1957College Donation Committee PublicationLibrarian
2021-06-06College Hand BookDr. Tom Cheriyan, Handbook Coordinator; Dr. Robinson P, IQAC Coordinator