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Showing results 399 to 418 of 716 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023-02-13OBE PG_ Attainment Report 2021-22Dr. Robinson P, IQAC Co-Ordinator
2023-02-13OBE UG_ Attainment Report 2021-22Dr. Robinson P
2020-02-28Oil Processing- Indigenous knowledgeAnjana Sajeev, Student,Fourth semester M.A (2019-2021 batch); Jose, Kandassankadavu
2018-06-21One Week Yoga Training ProgramDr Emarson V P
2020-10-07Online learning During Covid 19- Challenges and solutionsProf. K J Joseph, Ms Sangeetha P L
2020-10-07Online learning During Covid 19- Challenges and solutionsProf. Baby John; Ms Sangeetha PL
2021-03-18OorukaavalJoseph, Sara
2020-12-12Oral Historyarchives/AgricultureSarin A.K., Mr.Narayanan.Chengalai,Kannur. First semester M.A History(2020-2021 batch)
2021-01-31oral histroyDr. Robinson P, IQAC Coordinator
2017-07-07Orientation Program - INSIGHT'17Mr. Abhilash Chandran
2017-08-04Orientation Program : Novella 2K17Mrs. Rosmary T George, Mr Karthik Sasi
2018-06-13Orientation Programme for JAMTintumol Sunny; Dr. Anoop N Nair
2021-03-18OthappJoseph, Sara
2009-07-08Oxidation kinetics of nickel nano crystallites obtained by controlled thermolysis of diaquabis(ethylenediamine)nickel(II) nitrateK K M, Yusuff; Ponminiessary P, Robinson; Chenampilly Ummer, Aniz; Sebastian, Manju; Vasudevan, Arun
2021-09-01Parent Teacher AssociationParent Teacher Association, PTA
2018-10-04Personal PolynomialsTintumol Sunny
2020-09-17Perspective of Molecular Approaches in EntomologyDr Joshi C O, Dr. K B Rebijith
2020-06-30Pharmacological Potential of Desmodium gangeticum and Tragia involucrateDr Joshi C O, Ms. Madhuri Menon
2020-08-20Pharmacological Potential of Legenandra toxicaria Dalzell and Kaempferia rotunda LinnDr Joshi C O, Mr. Praveen K
2021-10-20Plagiarism ReportDr. Robinson P, IQAC Coordinator