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Showing results 413 to 432 of 716 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2021-09-01Parent Teacher AssociationParent Teacher Association, PTA
2018-10-04Personal PolynomialsTintumol Sunny
2020-09-17Perspective of Molecular Approaches in EntomologyDr Joshi C O, Dr. K B Rebijith
2020-06-30Pharmacological Potential of Desmodium gangeticum and Tragia involucrateDr Joshi C O, Ms. Madhuri Menon
2020-08-20Pharmacological Potential of Legenandra toxicaria Dalzell and Kaempferia rotunda LinnDr Joshi C O, Mr. Praveen K
2021-10-20Plagiarism ReportDr. Robinson P, IQAC Coordinator
2019-07-18Plant Mediated Vector Control Strategies: an Arsenal to Combat Arbo- viral DiseasesDr Joshi C O, Mr. Anoop Kumar A N
2016-10-29Play TherapyDr Sherin P Antony; Dr Aneesh V A
2021-12-08Poster Making Competition in Connection With Computer Literacy Week 2021Ms. Viji Viswanathan; Ms. Varsha Ganesh
2020-02-07Praadeshika charithra Rachana: Sameepanangalum SadhyathakalumDr. C V Sudheer, Dr. C Adarsh
2020-05-26Practical Accounting and Tax practiceMr. S Omanakuttan, Tax and Accounting Practitioner
2020-01-22PRAVEGAEKN Centre for Education, Research and Development; Department of Physics, Christ College; Dr. V P Joseph
2020-07-09The problem of trash disposal in neurodegenerative diseasesDr Joshi C O, Dr. Vinita Bharat
2021-02-10Psychology behind Cyber PerpetratorsDr Febin Baby; Nimy PG
2022-06-06Psychology of abnormal and social behaviorPsychology of abnormal and social behavior, Semester 3
2017-02-03Psychology orientation ProgrammeArathy S; Dr Emarson V P
2017Psychology Quiz CompetitionDr Emarson V P, Miss Vandana V S
2020-08-07Python Django web frameworkJeena George; Mr Indusankar Prasad