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Showing results 649 to 668 of 716 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-12-19The tale of two discoveries; the discovery of a super cluster and of gravitational wavesDr Joe Jacob, Newman College; Prof. V P Anto
2021-11-07Talk on "ML FOR BEGINNERS" In Connection with Computer Literacy WeekMrs. Viji Viswanathan; Mrs. Sini Thomas; Mrs. Varsha Ganesh
2018-12-13Targeting Protein Prenylation in Pancreatic CancerDr Joshi C O, Dr. Manu Aryan
2021-04-20Teacher Quality 2.4.2Dr. Robinson P, IQAC Coordinator
2020-12-22TESSERACTTintumol Sunny
2020-06-03Tessy Paul's PublicationTessy Paul, Assistant Professor
2018-12-05Theoretical and Practical Aspects of GSTProf. K J Joseph,; CA M P Tony; CA A Gopal Krishna Raju
2018-12-05Theoretical and practical aspects of GSTProf. Baby John; CA A Gopal Krishna Raju; CA M P Tony
2022-03-28Thottam Patturobinson p, IQAC Coordinator
2019-05-20Three day Workshop on Daisy Books & EPUB PublishingDr. Mathew Paul Ukken, Principal; Dr. Robinson P, IQAC Coordinator
2021-06-21Tintumol Sunny's PublicationsDr. Tintumol Sunny, Assistant Professor
2021-06-03Titto Varughese's PublicationsTitto Varughese, Assistant Professor
2021-06-03Tom Cherian's PublicationsTom Cherian, Assistant Professor
2021-06-21Tom's PublicationsDr. Tom Jacob, Assistant Professor
2021-03-18TotochanAli, Anvar
2017-12-30Training on Microsoft Excel & VBADr. Mathew Paul Ukken, Principal; Dr. Robinson P, IQAC Coordinator
2022-03-19Trends in HistoriographyTrends in Historiography, Semester 1
2022-06-06Trends in HistoriographyTrends in Historiography, Semester 2
2020-03-04Two Day National Seminar on "Prospectus of post-Democracy in India"Lisha K K; ms. Liji Francis; Dr.Sanand Sadanand; Ms. Mary Philip
2019-12-05Two day State Level Workshop on "Methodology of Local History"Lisha K K; Dr. P S Manoj Kumar; Dr. P P Abdul Rassak; Dr.Adarsh C